WDDS Delegation
Delegates through 2017
Toni Ausum (734)395-1953
John Hamerink (734)455-8686
Kristin Johnson (734)417-1450
Len Lofstrom (734)645-2691
Nancy Urquiola (734)476-4802
Brett Walcott (734)260-1082
Wayne Walcott (734)260-6257
Alternate Delegates through 2017
Paul C. Lopez (734) 769-5302
Sam Malcheff (734) 335-7270
Tammy Trullard (734)649-2208
To become a Delegate
Nomination may be by the Nominating Committee, or by petition. Qualifications are Active, Retired, or Life Members in good standing. Names are presented to the WDDS Members at Large.
A plurality of votes cast shall be necessary to elect. Delegates will be those candidates in order with the most votes received. The remaining candidates will be designates as alternate delegates. The election will be conducted in order to comply with the reporting requirements of the MDA.
The term of the Delegate shall be two (2) years for delegates and one (1) year for alternate delegates. Elections shall be arranged so one half of the delegates are elected each year. There is no limit on the number of terms a delegate may be re-elected.
If you are interested in becoming a Delegate for the WDDS click the button below.